Iphone/Ipod Touch 3.0 Firmware Download


The developers at the ISPW Apple team had found a leaked 3.0 Firmware. Please make sure to jailbreak your touch/phone before you download because the dev team has not found a software to jailbreak the 3.0 touch. You can now download the firmware two ways thanks to Ij204ron. Torrent or Direct Download from Mega Upload.  The firmware can be torrent downloaded at 


If you do not want to download the torrent, you can now download the .zip here...

For those who don't know what to do with the .ipsw file, open iTunes with the iPhone/ Ipod Touch connected and

Mac: Hold OPTION and click restore and select the .IPSW file

Windows: Hold SHIFT and click "check for update" and select the .IPSW file